Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rising Divorce Rate is Not a Sign of Failure

The divorce rate in the U.S. today is far higher than it once was. The number of marriages that have ended in divorce has jumped by over 40% in the last hundred years, from 7% in 1900 and 25% in 1950 to 50% today. There are those who claim this is a sign of moral decay, lack of scruples or disintegrating family values. When women's rights are factored in to the equation, the rise in the divorce rate is actually a good sign. It isn't an indication that we have failed to maintain relationships where our grandparents and great grandparents succeeded, it is a sign that we are no longer terrified, trapped and willing to settle with misery to conform to social norms.

In the early 1900s, women couldn't own property unless they did so through their husband. If a woman was widowed, her eldest son would take control of the property and only a woman with no male children whose husband had passed away could own anything of real value. Requesting a divorce meant asking for poverty and disgrace. Women were only considered qualified for a few jobs in society so they often couldn't even support themselves. Far too many women accepted black eyes and sexual attacks as the price for their room and board because divorce was not a viable option. Now, a Family Law attorney Tampa can be helpful in these cases.

Thanks to the economic needs of World War II, women entered the workforce and discovered through "Rosie the Riveter" that they could support a family and deserved equal rights. While there was still a social stigma against divorce, women who were not being treated well were more willing to wear their own personal scarlet letter to be free. Leaving was finally an option and women were more empowered, knowing they could take care of themselves and their families if they had to.

As equals in society, women can own property and have a career, no longer defined by marriage. It is no longer necessary to stay where they are being mistreated just to survive. Because they no longer feel trapped and obligated, most divorces, as many as 70%, are filed by the wife. Pursuing happiness and safety is worth the difficult change and women who finally make the decision to leave aren't discarding family, they are redefining it in a healthier way.

100% of marriages that end in divorce were unhappy before a Tampa divorce attorney filed paperwork--isn't a future with the potential of happiness better than one full of obligation and fear? Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States, more than rapes, muggings and car accidents together, and as many as 25% of all women will be assaulted by a partner at some point in their lives. "Boys will be boys" used to be the defense for infidelity as well and husbands are still statistically more likely to be unfaithful, but instead of simply accepting an unfair fate women now have the power to look for a more respectful partner. Marriage can be a beautiful thing, and there are counseling options before anyone makes the final decision, but for those who need a way out, contacting a Tampa divorce attorney can be the first step to finding happiness again.

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